Becky Lemont became affiliated with YFU as an American student studying abroad in the summer of 1979 with YFU Sweden. She lived with the Nilsson family and gained two brothers, Mats & Thorbjörn with whom she has visited and continues to be their “American Sister”.
Attending Northern Michigan University, Becky participated in an International Student Exchange in Mexico in 1984 and she was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish with International Relations in 1985. Becky then enrolled in the Peace Corps and spent the next 2 years teaching English as a Second Language and English Education Teacher Training in Puntarenas and Monteverde, Costa Rica. Upon returning from the Peace Corps, Becky took on positions as a Spanish and French teacher in New Hampshire, Vermont, Tennessee and Illinois. She has been actively involved with YFU over the years in many capacities including: YFU Study Abroad advocate, International Student Trainer and Orientation presenter, Area Representative in Vermont, New Hampshire, Florida, Michigan, Illinois, Tennessee, and Mississippi. Becky has been married to Joe Lemont for more than 25 years and together have they hosted over 40 temporary and full time International Students. She is the proud mother of 4 children and one grandchild. One of her most profound statements has been: “Our children will not keep the gifts (items) of their youth but they will always remember and have their experiences that we give them.”
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