Study Abroad

YFU’s distinctive brand of cultural exchange opens minds and hearts, enables learning that transforms lives, and ultimately helps to make us citizens of one world. While it is true that all travel broadens perspective and exposes the traveler to new experiences, YFU’s programs transform who you are and permanently change the way you see.

Explore program details and discover your next adventure here!

Study Abroad Programs

Youth Programs (ages 15-18): Choose from traditional year, semester, or summer programs. Open to U.S. high school students or recent graduates.

Young Adult/Gap Year Programs (High school graduate to age 26): Attend college and/or participate in volunteer programs. Open to young adults who are ready to make a difference in today’s world.

Through the exchange experience, YFU participants gain intercultural understanding, learn mutual respect, and develop a sense of social responsibility. Your experience abroad gives you leadership competencies necessary to meet the challenges and benefit from the opportunities of a fast-changing global community. YFU offers programming for all ages  that allow you to immerse yourself in another culture, learn a new language and meet like-minded individuals who believe in our mission.

With YFU, you’ll appreciate the nuances of a foreign language, and test your confidence in new situations. Although your YFU learning adventure will last only a short time, your journey abroad will have a powerful, life-changing impact. Study abroad with YFU to develop an understanding of a faraway place, and also an understanding of an inner place.

When you join YFU, you join an expert global exchange network with almost 65 years of experience in more than 70 countries, over 40 of which are available for you to study abroad in. From application completion and travel accommodations to adjusting to your exchange, our experienced Admissions Counselors and volunteers are here to support you every step of the way.

Become a Global Citizen

The amazing thing about studying abroad is that the experience is different for everyone. What you get out of  an international exchange is unique to you:

  • Discover and develop personal strengths like self-reliance, resourcefulness and confidence

  • Gain a new, global perspective and gain a sense of social responsibility

  • Increase proficiency in another language

  • Meet remarkable people and build lifelong friendships

  • Build better decision making, problem solving and conflict resolution skills

  • Develop independence of thought and adaptability in dealing with the unexpected

  • Gain a real advantage on college applications

  • Enhance global career opportunities



Flynn Coleman with her soccer team in Italy.


Flynn Coleman with her soccer team in Italy.

“That night, I wondered what my summer would be like. How would I possibly communicate with the people I was now living with, who spoke no English? My Italian was limited to speaking Spanish with an Italian-esque accent.

As I unpacked my things, I started to hear the faint sounds of people singing, laughing, and strumming guitars. The sounds became louder and louder, until it seemed like these people were actually approaching the house. And then, in a moment I will never forget, the music came through the house, where a large group of people from the town had come by, singing, dancing, and playing music, to welcome me home.

That’s when I realized we all do speak the same language after all. And I saw in that moment that life is about connecting with and supporting others.”

– Flynn Coleman, summer alumna to Italy

Read more study abroad stories from YFU students on the blog.