
Study in Ecuador

Ecuador is full of fascinating culture and history — from the islands where Darwin discovered evolution to the ancient Incan civilization. Discover this rich heritage as a YFU exchange student and you will understand Ecuadorian culture as no tourists do!

“Ecuador is amazing. I lived in a small city called Ibarra which is in the Sierra and 3 hours north of the capital Quito. During our year we went on trips to the coast, rainforest, and the Galapagos islands. When you make friends they will be friends for life! It’s amazing to see a country develop so much since the first time I arrived as an exchange student almost 10 years ago!”

– Mallory

+ More About Ecuador

As a YFU exchange student in Ecuador, you will discover the rich heritage of a country home to the descendants of the great Inca Empire!

Among a population of 15 million, Ecuador’s indigenous peoples have maintained a strong cultural identity and are known for beautiful textiles and ceramics. You’ll notice the Spanish influence in Quito’s beautiful colonial churches, which have been well-preserved. Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands provide unique wildlife (including the infamous giant tortoise!). As in many Latin American countries, family bonds are strong, and members gather often to celebrate holidays and festivals such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Carnival, and Semana Santa. And of course, with celebration comes food! During a party or festival, you may find yourself eating a few pieces of fritada (fried pork), a plate of arroz con pollo (rice with chicken), or a serving of locro (soup with potatoes, meat and cheese).

With its beautiful weather, gorgeous scenery, amazing wildlife, and rich culture, Ecuador will undoubtedly leave you with a journey that you will never forget!

+ Scholarships Available

YFU USA is proud to send over 200 American students on cultural exchange with a full or partial scholarship each year. Financial assistance may be in the form of a merit-based scholarship, needs-based financial aid, or Legacy Grant for students who are previously involved in the YFU Community. Scholarships may vary in deadline, requirements, and eligibility. To learn more, please visit our Scholarships Page to find details on the following scholarships eligible for Ecuador:

Holcomb & Farnell Foreign Study Fund
YFU Legacy Grant
YFU Financial Aid Fund
WEH Foundation Scholarship
The YFU Americas Scholarship
Epson America, Inc. International Scholarship
Jason Pollington Latin American Scholarship
Karla Topolka Scholarship Fund
Passport to Equity

+ Application Deadline

Applications for Spring/Winter programs must be submitted by October 1 for review. Summer and Fall departure program applications are due April 15.

+ Additional Information

Visa Information

Information regarding visas and other immigration processes will be provided upon enrollment.

Additional Costs

Program tuition does not include visa costs or visa related fees, personal spending money or school-related costs such as books and school trips. YFU will cover the cost of school registration and tuition fees, but students are responsible for buying textbooks, transportation to and from school and other materials such as uniforms. There is also a visa registration fee to be paid upon arrival in Ecuador.

Important Information

Schools in Ecuador are strict in regards to physical appearance. Schools will not accept students that have dreadlocks, piercings, or wear ripped clothing. Male students must be prepared to keep their hair short!

Choose Your Program

+ Academic Year Programs

There is a loving host family waiting for you in Ecuador! Absorb Ecuadorian culture while learning Spanish and exploring some of the most remarkable areas of this beautiful country!


Ecuador’s high school system is divided into three areas: social studies, biological sciences and mathematics. Students take 13 to 14 courses related to their career goals. Most YFU students choose social studies, but you may choose another area of specialization. Most regions in Ecuador have an extended school break in which YFU Students spend their time getting volunteer experience with local organizations. Ecuadorian students usually study English so you may make friends by having them help you with Spanish and by helping them with English!


All students applying for the year program must be available for a mandatory 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation*, which usually takes place in mid-July. This orientation is a required part of the program aimed at preparing students for their experience overseas.

*Due to COVID-19, the 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation described above may take place on-line dependent upon recommended guidelines at the time of the event. YFU will continue to assess the situation as it develops.

Upon arrival in Ecuador, students will participate in a three-day arrival orientation to help ease their transition into their new culture. There will also be a one-day mid-year orientation for year students and a two-day re-entry orientation for all students. All orientation costs are included in program tuition.


Another great way to meet locals is to participate in extracurricular activities and service opportunities in your local Ecuadorian community! One way students will be able to meet others in the community is through volunteering, which will help students to also learn about Ecuador’s true culture. Students usually either volunteer for a month while in school, or can expect to be required to volunteer for one month during their school break.

Optional Excursions

Year program students will also have the option of participating in a number of educational trips and excursions during their stay, at an additional cost. These trips are optional and come at an additional fee; more information on pricing and logistics to come closer to the time of the trip.

Jungle Trip: This trip will start in Quito. From there students travel to Punta Ahuano where they take canoes on the scenic journey to go the hotel “La Casa del Suizo” on the shore of Napo River. Students will see many kinds of animals and navigate in the Napo River, one of the most important rivers in the country.

Ruta De Sol Trip: On this trip, students have the opportunity to visit the main beaches of Manabí and Guayas provinces. This trip will start in Quito going to Puerto López and continue visiting Playa de los Frailes, Isla de la Plata, Montañita, Salinas, Punta Carnero and will finish with a city tour in Guayaquil and return to Quito.

Volcanic Trip: Starting at the Latitude 0º, this trip explores the highlands of Ecuador. The trip includes areas such as Cayambe, Otavalo (with its famous Indian market), San Pablo Lake and Cotacachi, the Cotopaxi National Park and volcano, Limpiopungo Lake, Chimborazo volcano, Riobamba, Alausi, Ingapirca and Cuenca.

**Galapagos Islands Trip: **Students can opt to take an excursion to the Galapagos Islands, which is a eight-day trip that will allow you to tour the islands of Baltra, Mosquera, Fernandina, Isabela, Santiago, and Santa Cruz. Trip participants will stay aboard a yacht and in small hostels with a bilingual naturalist guiding the tour.

2024 Fall Year Late August Early July $14,095

Tuition Includes

  • Placement with a carefully selected host family
  • Enrollment in a local Ecuadorian high school (excluding summer programs)
  • Airport transfers
  • Domestic and international travel
  • All pre-departure and post arrival orientations
  • Pre-program support by trained YFU staff
  • Support from a YFU Ecuador Area Representative while on program
  • Comprehensive insurance

Age Requirement

  • 2024 Fall Year Program: Students born February 26, 2006 – June 28, 2009.
  • 2023 University Fall Year Program: Students born December 31, 2003 – December 31, 2005.
  • Students who do not meet this age requirement or will graduate high school before the start of their program will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.


Spanish. Previous language study is not required, but students are expected to be willing and motivated to learn Spanish.

Host Family Placement

Students will be placed with families in cities such as Quito, Ambato, Cuenca, Riobamba, Latacunga and Ibarra in the Sierra region and Santo Domingo, Machala, Portoviejo and Manta in the Costa region.

+ Semester Programs

There is a loving host family waiting for you in Ecuador! Absorb Ecuadorian culture while learning Spanish and exploring some of the most remarkable areas of this beautiful country!


Ecuador’s high school system is divided into three areas: social studies, biological sciences and mathematics. Students take 13 to 14 courses related to their career goals. Most YFU students choose social studies, but you may choose another area of specialization. Most regions in Ecuador have an extended school break in which YFU Students spend their time getting volunteer experience with local organizations. Ecuadorian students usually study English so you may make friends by having them help you with Spanish and by helping them with English!


All students applying for the semester program must be available for a mandatory 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation*, which usually takes place in mid-July or early-mid December (for Spring programs). This orientation is a required part of the program aimed at preparing students for their experience overseas.

*Due to COVID-19, the 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation described above may take place on-line dependent upon recommended guidelines at the time of the event. YFU will continue to assess the situation as it develops.

Upon arrival in Ecuador, students will participate in a three-day arrival orientation to help ease their transition into their new culture. There will also be a one-day mid-year orientation for year students and a two-day re-entry orientation for all students. All orientation costs are included in program tuition.


Another great way to meet locals is to participate in extracurricular activities and service opportunities in your local Ecuadorian community! One way students will be able to meet others in the community is through volunteering, which will help students to also learn about Ecuador’s true culture. Students usually either volunteer for a month while in school, or can expect to be required to volunteer for one month during their school break.

Optional Excursions

Semester program students will also have the option of participating in a number of educational trips and excursions during their stay, at an additional cost. In the Fall, students can participate in the Jungle Trip and the Ruta Del Sol. In the Spring, Student can join in the Ruta Del Sol, Volcanic Trip, and Galapagos Islands Trip. These trips are optional and come at an additional fee; more information on pricing and logistics to come closer to the time of the trip.

Jungle Trip: This trip will start in Quito. From there students travel to Punta Ahuano where they take canoes on the scenic journey to go the hotel “La Casa del Suizo” on the shore of Napo River. Students will see many kinds of animals and navigate in the Napo River, one of the most important rivers in the country.

Ruta De Sol Trip: On this trip, students have the opportunity to visit the main beaches of Manabí and Guayas provinces. This trip will start in Quito going to Puerto López and continue visiting Playa de los Frailes, Isla de la Plata, Montañita, Salinas, Punta Carnero and will finish with a City tour in Guayaquil and return to Quito.

Volcanic Trip: Starting at the Latitude 0º, this trip explores the highlands of Ecuador. The trip includes areas such as Cayambe, Otavalo (with its famous Indian market), San Pablo Lake and Cotacachi, the Cotopaxi National Park and volcano, Limpiopungo Lake, Chimborazo volcano, Riobamba, Alausi, Ingapirca and Cuenca.

**Galapagos Islands Trip: **Students can opt to take an excursion to the Galapagos Islands, which is a eight-day trip that will allow you to tour the islands of Baltra, Mosquera, Fernandina, Isabela, Santiago, and Santa Cruz. Trip participants will stay aboard a yacht and in small hostels with a bilingual naturalist guiding the tour.

2025 Spring Semester Late January Early July $13,095
2024 Fall Semester Late August Late January $12,095

Tuition Includes

  • Placement with a carefully selected host family
  • Enrollment in a local Ecuadorian high school (excluding summer programs)
  • Airport transfers
  • Domestic and international travel
  • All pre-departure and post arrival orientations
  • Pre-program support by trained YFU staff
  • Support from a YFU Ecuador Area Representative while on program
  • Comprehensive insurance

Age Requirement

  • 2024 Fall Semester Program: Students born February 26, 2006 – June 28, 2009.

  • 2025 Spring Semester: Students born June 28, 2006 – November 28, 2009.

  • Students who do not meet this age requirement or will graduate high school before the start of their program will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.


Spanish. Previous language study is not required, but students are expected to be willing and motivated to learn Spanish.

Host Family Placement

Students will be placed with families in cities such as Quito, Ambato, Cuenca, Riobamba, Latacunga and Ibarra in the Sierra region and Santo Domingo, Machala, Portoviejo and Manta in the Costa region.

+ Summer Program

There is a loving host family waiting for you in Ecuador! Absorb Ecuadorian culture while learning Spanish and exploring some of the most remarkable areas of this beautiful country!

Discover Ecuador

If ecology, biology, anthropology, or Spanish fascinates you, join other YFU participants from around the world in this five-week program in Ecuador. You’ll live with an Ecuadorian host family and enjoy getting to know the culture from an insider’s perspective. Living with a family gives you a chance to truly explore and understand another culture. You will also receive Spanish Language lessons so as to even further immerse yourself in Ecuadorian culture. These lessons are a few hours a week and are designated to each student based on their incoming level of Spanish.


Students will participate in a one-day local pre-departure orientation in May or June.

Upon arrival in Ecuador, students will have a one-day orientation to help ease the adjustment into a new culture. Students will also participate in a one-day re-entry orientation prior to departure from Ecuador as a way to reflect with other exchange students about their experiences. All orientation costs are included in tuition.

Cultural Excursions

Day Trips: Students on the Summer program to Ecuador will get the opportunity to travel to places like the colonial section of Quito, the colorful indigenous market at Otavalo and the equator line.

**Explore the Rainforest: **A four-day, three-night tour of the rainforest with activities that include canoeing and observing monkeys, reptiles, exotic plants, and other wildlife in the region. Students will also learn about the rainforest from trained local guides. Please note that the rainforest trip will only be offered if there are a minimum of five students on program.

**Galapagos Islands Trip: **Students can opt to take an excursion to the Galapagos Islands, which is a five-day trip that will allow you to tour the islands of Baltra, Mosquera, Fernandina, Isabela, Santiago, and Santa Cruz. Trip participants will stay aboard a yacht with a bilingual naturalist guiding the tour. This trip is optional and comes at an additional fee; more information on pricing and logistics to come closer to the time of the trip.


2024 Summer Late June Early August $5,995

Tuition Includes

  • Placement with a carefully selected host family
  • Airport transfers
  • Domestic and international travel
  • All pre-departure and post arrival orientations
  • Pre-program support by trained YFU staff
  • Support from a YFU Ecuador Area Representative while on program
  • Comprehensive insurance

Age Requirement

  • 2024 Summer Program: Students born January 26, 2006 – May 26, 2009.
  • Students who do not meet this age requirement or will graduate high school before the start of their program will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.


Spanish. Previous language study is not required, but students are expected to be willing and motivated to learn Spanish.

Host Family Placement

Students will be placed with families in Quito for the Summer program.