
Study in Indonesia

Your exchange in Indonesia will prove to be the adventure of a lifetime!

Indonesia has over 17,000 islands. How many will you be able to set foot on during your exchange?

+ More About Indonesia

Whether you want to explore the ancient monuments, relax on the beautiful beaches, or walk the busy streets of the cities, Indonesia is a country that has something for everyone!

Referenced as the “land of spices”, Indonesia is known for their intense, colorful, and delicious dishes. You will have the opportunity to try popular street foods like Satay (meat skewers) and Nasi Goreng (fried rice). While in Indonesia, your host family may take you to magnificent temples like Borobudur and Prambanan, which attract people of all religions and date back to before the 9th century! There is also a huge expanse of nature reserves, filled with beautiful trees, flowers, and animals that you won’t find in your backyard in the U.S. Music is a huge part of the culture in Indonesia, including folk music and gamelan, a type of instrumental music. In addition to music, Balinese dance, which was derived from the Bali Island is a very popular type of dance tradition.

As a student in an Indonesian school, you will be surrounded by kids your age as you learn new customs and hobbies. Schools offer various activities including traditional dance and music, journalism, futsal, basketball, and photography. The friendships you make studying abroad can last a lifetime, so be sure to step out of your comfort zone and try new things!

+ Scholarships Available

YFU USA is proud to send over 200 American students on cultural exchange with a full or partial scholarship each year. Financial assistance may be in the form of a merit-based scholarship, needs-based financial aid, or Legacy Grant for students who are previously involved in the YFU Community. Scholarships may vary in deadline, requirements, and eligibility. Please note that the merit-based scholarship applications for 2020 have closed, however, YFU is still accepting applications for our tuition based programs. To learn more, please visit our Scholarships Page to find details on the following scholarships eligible for Indonesia:

Holcomb & Farnell Foreign Study Fund
YFU Legacy Grant
YFU Financial Aid Fund
WEH Foundation Scholarship

+ Programs & Tuition

Fall Year: $15,995

Applications for tuition based programs must be submitted by October 1 for winter/spring departure programs and March 15 for summer and fall. Applications submitted after this date will be considered on a case by case basis depending upon availability.

+ Additional Information

Visa Information

Information regarding visas and other immigration processes will be provided upon enrollment.

Additional Costs

Program tuition does not include personal spending money.

Important Information

Please note that vegetarians and vegans cannot be accommodated in Indonesia. Students must be willing to eat meat and animal products in order to be accepted into the program.

Choose Your Program

+ Academic Year Program

While in Indonesia you will live with a carefully selected host family and attend a local high school. When you study for a year, you’re sure to make lifelong friends! Part of your experience will be:


School in Indonesia begins in July and ends in June. Students will be placed in public or private schools. The schools are chosen according to where the siblings are studying or where the host family is located.


Outside of regular classes, students can choose to participate in athletic, artistic, or social clubs.


All students applying for the year program must be available for a mandatory 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation*, which usually takes place in mid-July. This orientation is a required part of the program aimed at preparing students for their experience overseas. All students will participate in a one-day local pre-departure orientation along with their families in May or June. All orientation costs are included in program tuition.

*Due to COVID-19, the 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation described above may take place on-line dependent upon recommended guidelines at the time of the event. YFU will continue to assess the situation as it develops.

Students will take a Language Course for two weeks subsequent to their arrival to help get over some initial adjustments and language barriers as part of their entry orientation. A mid-year orientation and re-entry orientation occur later in the year.

Optional Excursions

Year program students will also usually have the option of participating in a number of educational trips and excursions during their stay, at an additional cost.

Exotic Bali Trip: Students may have the opportunity to participate in a 4-day trip to Bali. While staying in a 4-star hotel, students will get the opportunity to visit the most popular holiday destination in the Indonesian archipelago. Journey through the island’s amazing beaches and seascapes during a 3-day guided tour.

Heritage Yogyakarta Trip: During this 3-day trip to Yogyakarta students may have the opportunity to travel to this Javanese island, which is the only Indonesian city still ruled by a monarchy. Students will take part in a 2-day guided tour where they will discover why the city of Yogyakarta is considered the hub of Javanese fine arts and culture.

Fall Year Early July Late June $15,995

Tuition Includes

  • Placement with a host family
  • Enrollment in a local Indonesian high school
  • Airport transfers
  • Domestic and international travel
  • All pre-departure and post arrival orientations
  • Pre-program support by trained YFU staff
  • Support from an YFU Indonesia Area Representative while on program
  • Comprehensive insurance

Age Requirement

  • 2021 Fall Departure: Students born July 3, 2004 – January 3, 2006.
  • Students who do not meet this age requirement or will graduate from high school before the start of their program will not be considered for admission.


Indonesian and English. Previous language study is not required. Students will take a Language Course for two weeks subsequent to their arrival to help get over some initial adjustments and language barriers.

Host Family Placement

YFU students will be placed in urban or suburban areas with carefully selected families.