Why CCP?



Community Colleges offer an alternative to four-year universities; with smaller class sizes, more personal support and assistance from teachers, and more affordable tuition rates, YFU USA’s Community College Program provides international students with a foundation for success in school and life!



I would recommend [YFU’s Community College Program] because I felt safe knowing that there were people helping me to make the most out of my exchange experience.
— Carolina, Uruguay
I live with a host family and I just love every part of it. … I get along really well with the whole family and we do all kinds of activities together – traveling, playing games, watching movies, cooking, shopping, going out for dinner. And, I get to go to all the family events, such as Thanksgiving, which was such an amazing experience. My host parents treat me like a real daughter, and they didn’t just open their house to me, they opened their hearts too. I feel like a real member of the family. And, like in real families, we sometimes have small disagreements between brothers and sisters, but it doesn’t take much time to reconcile. We spend so many good times and I have a lot of fun here! It feels so good to have people to rely on at any time and a safe place to stay in. I know I will always have a place to stay if I ever come back in the US.
— Astrid, Belgium


+ Cost

Attending community college is significantly cheaper than attending a four-year college. If you are interested in obtaining a degree from an American four-year college, with YFU USA’s CCP program you can start your higher education at one of our Community College partners, and then transfer to a four-year college to finish your degree. This makes your college education in the U.S. significantly more affordable than if you started out at a four-year college.

Prices for the YFU Community College Program vary depending on your country of residence and the type of program you will participate in. Prices for one-year program range between $21,000 and $27,000. If only staying for one semester, the prices will be between $15,000 and $17,000. Depending on the country, the program fee may not include international airfare and insurance. For more exact information about pricing, please contact the YFU National Office in your home country – contact information is available at https://about.yfu.org/member-organizations. If your country is not listed on the webpage, please contact YFU USA directly at info@yfu.org.

+ Care and Support

YFU’s CCP program makes sure that you have multiple layers of support on campus, at YFU USA, and at the YFU office in your home country. YFU USA’s staff members stay in regular contact with YFU Campus Coordinators throughout your stay to make sure that you’re doing well and being well guided about you academic and extracurricular choices. Campus Coordinators are unique to YFU students, and non-YFU international students are not guaranteed the same level of support. Adapting to a new language and culture isn’t always easy, and Campus Coordinators, YFU USA, and YFU home country staff members are here to support you throughout your studies.

Additionally, the YFU CCP Program helps you ease into life in the United States, without many of the hassles that other exchange students face. For example, YFU CCP students do not need to worry about setting up a bank account in the United States to pay rent or utilities- these fees are already covered when you sign up to live with a Host Family or in a dormitory through YFU. The majority of international students without YFU support report difficulties with securing housing, but YFU CCP students do not have to worry about finding a place to live in the US. Interested in living with an American family or with other American college students? You got it- YFU staff members will learn your preferences and match you with an ideal living situation! This is a level of support which most international students are not given.

+ Diversify Your Curriculum Vitae

Employers, universities and graduate schools will take note of your successful completion of a YFU exchange program – proof of your global mindset, work ethic, and problem-solving skills that are necessary in an increasingly globalized marketplace.
Did you know, through YFU’s CCP program, you can earn a certificate in highly marketable fields such as business, fashion, media arts and computer science while also learning about the U.S.? YFU’s CCP students can earn a certificate in Fashion, Business, Multimedia Arts, Computer Science, and in many other fields. These certificates demonstrate to employers that you have gained tangible skills in the United States that you will be able to use in your home country. Interested in other fields? Contact YFU today (info@yfu.org), and we’ll custom-search and collaborate with our partner schools to ensure you can receive the certificate in your area of interest.

+ High Success Rate

The majority of our CCP students (92.7%) obtained an Associate Degree within two years, whereas the U.S. national average is only 13%, according to NCEE (National Center for Education and the Economy, 2013). Across the semester, year, and two year-programs, YFU is proud to have achieved 96.5% rate of successful program completion by our students – a testimony to the high quality support YFU’s Community College Program provides to the students on campus and at home.

+ In-Country Assistance to Parents

YFU is a global network of YFU partners, and students and natural parents have a YFU representative in their home country as well as in the US who are intimately knowledgeable with the language and culture of both countries. This representative will give both you and your family the extra layer of support that would not be otherwise available to an international student attending college in the U.S. on their own.

+ Host Family Program

Through the YFU CCP Program, international students at many of our community college partners are able to stay in fully-vetted host family homes. Host families provide a great way to transition to the American culture and English language and serve as an extra layer of support. This feature is unique to the students on the YFU CCP program, as other community colleges that international students attend often do not offer this option.



Sarah Cadwallader is a Campus Coordinator, and a YFU host mom.

“The student my husband and I hosted for a full year was indeed a YFU CCP student from South Korea. We have also hosted two other YFU CCP students from South Korea. We spent time with each of them in Korea when we were there as well! We are all great friends! It certainly changed my life for the better!”

